Strengthening Special Guardianship Orders in Court

The use of Special Guardianship Orders (SGOs) has grown rapidly. The challenge is for social workers undertake robust evidence based and analytical assessments within the PLO’s statutory timescales. This training provides insights on how to deal with the challenges involved with SGOs.
Dates: Next virtual session: 15 May 2025
Please complete the booking form to reserve your places
Venue: Virtual or face to face
Cost: – see below
The Training will cover:
- Legal framework underpinning the Special Guardianship Order (SGO), including changes introduced under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and Special Guardianship (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018
- Impact of recent research and case law update, including leading case of Re P-S (Children) [2018]
- Should SGO placements be tested;
- What makes a robust SGO assessment, with clear, realistic recommendations to the court and compliance with Re S;
- Are SGO realistic orders for all;
- How to deal with the challenges and barriers of carrying out SGO assessments within the 26 week time limit in
- The consequences in court proceedings of delays in carrying out assessments and relatives being presented late in the court process. Impact of Re L and others (Children: Care Proceedings);
- The role of Supervision Orders in SGO placements
- Support plan, what does it include, and who is responsible
Who should attend?
- Social care professionals
- SGO or connected person/kinship assessors
- ISWs
- Children Guardians
- Managers
Cost: £150 plus VAT
Group booking discounts are available.
If you are interested in this course or similar training, please contact us