Legal Training for Local Authority Designated Officers (LADOs) and understand the role of the LADOs.

Dates: Please contact us for details
Venue: Virtual online via Teams
Time: 10am- 4pm
Cost: – see below
- To understand the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer
- To provide an overview of the legal framework impacting on the role of Local Authority Designated Officers
- Understand the legal framework that guides the role of the LADO when dealing with allegations.
- Understand the impact of Human Rights on decision making
- Understand the role of other professionals
- Understand the rights of the individual’s employment rights
- Understand the different processes of challenges – complaints process or proposed litigation
- Role of LADO and the LADO process
- Legal Framework
- Impact of Human Rights on decision making
- Children Act 1989/2004
- S.47 Children Act 1989
- S.31 Children Act 1989- Has the child suffered or is at risk of significant harm
- S.11 Children Act 2004
- Role of LADO in criminal investigations
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Liaising with the police and criminal investigation
- Role of LADO within the legal framework of Employment Rights
- Role of HR and employment status pending the
- ChildCare Act 2006 & Statutory guidance: Disqualification under the ChidCare Act 2006
- Dealing with allegations
- The process pre and post allegation including timelines
- Outcomes- and actions
- The process pre and post allegation including timelines
- HR response
- Multi agency working
- Mitigating potential risks
- Sharing of information during and post investigation
- Freedom of Information and right to request information during and post investigation
- action post investigation
- Keeping children safe in education
- Keeping children safe in residential care
- Post investigation
- Learning
- Role of LSCB
- Challenges
- complaints process or proposed litigation
- Importance of case records and possible use of information in future litigation or complaint process
- Resources and Support
Who should attend
Anyone involved in safeguarding of children
Venue details
The training can be delivered virtually or face to face
£135 plus VAT
Group booking discounts are available.
Early booking is recommended as places are limited.
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