Coroners Court Awareness Training

The ethos of the Coroner’s Court process is to put the family at the heart of the process; despite this, the Coroner Court process can feel very unfair and difficult at times for family members. Limited availability of funding for legal representation can result in what may feel like an inequality of arms when faced with other parties, such as the NHS trusts, prison authorities, or the police, being fully legally represented and may appear as if they are taking the position of defending themselves.
Dates: Please contact us for details
Venue: Virtual or face to face
Cost – see below
Without legal representation, family members can feel lost in the process and feel like mere observers when they wish to take an active role. They may not know they have the right to ask questions or even can challenge the evidence so that they can understand how and why their family member died.
By not having the assistance they require, family members often turn to the same social care or health care professionals who were supporting their family members prior to their death for support. This can be a challenge at times for social care professionals, who may not be fully familiar with the process themselves. Combining this with having to support family members struggling with grief can add to the challenge.
Come and join us at our virtual training course for professionals or anyone who is required to attend the Coroner’s Court to become familiar with the process and understand what the Coroner’s Court requires in terms of written and oral evidence.
What the course will cover:
- Understand the Coroner’s Court process and how it differs from other court process
- Understand your role, family and interested person’s role within the Inquest process
- Understand what is required in your written reports
- Increase your confidence in giving evidence at the Coroner’s Court with our top tips for becoming an impressive witness, including practical tips on presenting and dealing with difficult questions.
- Understand Inquest conclusions, PFD reports, the impact of Rule 23 and the role of the jury.
- Support and resources available for professionals and family members
Who should attend:
- Social Care professionals
- Health care professionals
- Anyone who is required to attend the Coroner’s Court
- Any charities/organisations or professionals supporting family members
£150 plus VAT
Please contact us for further information.
Group booking discounts are available.
If you are interested in this course or similar training, please contact us –