Strengthening SGO Reports in Court and hearing the Child’s Voice.

A recent case I read relating to an Ukrainian child felt very timely further to the recent visit on 01 March 2025 by the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, to Sir Keir Starmer. The Ukrainian President told Sir Starmer, Prime Minister, he was happy his country had “such friends” after arriving in the UK. This… Continue reading

Part 1: Special Guardian Order Support plans – cases before the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) highlight the importance of getting the right support plan

Once an individual has exhausted the statutory complaints process within the Local Authority and is not satisfied with the outcome, the individual complainant can then apply to the LGO for a further independent investigation of their complaint. The LGO shares their decisions on their website; the reason for this is… Continue reading

Part 2: Special Guardian Order Support Plans-cases before the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) emphasise the importance of getting the right support plan

You can read the related Part 1 on SGO support plans by clicking here part-1-special-guardian-order In part 1 a number of cases before the LGO highlighted the need to provide the right support and guidance to carers and children subject to Special Guardianship Orders (SGO). The LGO in it’s report,… Continue reading

Legal briefing on the long awaited guidance on Special Guardianships


Positive changes for those involved in undertaking Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) or connected kinship assessments. This legal briefing outlines the changes introduced by the Interim Guidance issued by the Family Justice Council and the interim report of the public working group. Interim Guidance on SGOs In May 2019, The Family… Continue reading

Update on Special Guardianship Orders – Strengthening the assessment process

Special Guardianship Orders

Essential and necessary information for all Local Authorities. Special Guardianship Orders were created under the Adoption and Children Act 2002, which introduced this as a new performance option for children which came into effect from December 2005. A special guardianship order (SGO) gives parental responsibility for a child to a… Continue reading