Court Skills – Surviving the Witness Box

As social care professionals you undertake a very difficult job and yet the mere thought of going to court can raise anxieties and fears even in the most experienced professionals. The reality is, that however challenging, attending court is part of a social care professional’s job. Feeling nervous is natural, but the skill is not to show your fear. Continue reading

Covert recording by parents or service users, should I be worried?

This question was raised at a recent training event I was delivering on Law for Social Workers. It resulted in an interesting discussion, which I considered would benefit other social care professionals.  What is the problem? These days anyone with a smartphone can covertly record. The recording itself may not… Continue reading

Get ahead with the legal update on the Children and Social Work Act

Children Social Work Bill

Children and Social Work Act 2017 The government’s intention with this legislation was to overhaul social work. Read on to see what this means for frontline workers, vulnerable children and care leavers. There were mixed views as to whether this legislation once passed did result in the social work profession’s… Continue reading

Social Work Evidence Template Update

Local authority social workers preparing court statements, are you up to date? Today’s briefing gives an update on the national social work template. Practice areas affected Local Authority children’ social workers from the children’s safeguarding teams, children’s guardians and social workers from the fostering and adoption teams. Introduction The national… Continue reading

Update on Special Guardianship Orders – Strengthening the assessment process

Special Guardianship Orders

Essential and necessary information for all Local Authorities. Special Guardianship Orders were created under the Adoption and Children Act 2002, which introduced this as a new performance option for children which came into effect from December 2005. A special guardianship order (SGO) gives parental responsibility for a child to a… Continue reading

Strategic Briefing: Independent Reviewing Officers

Our director, Shefali Shah, recently contributed to Research In Practice’s latest Strategic Briefing: Independent Reviewing Officers. About this briefing The Children and Families Act 2014, a number of recent research projects and Serious Case Review (SCR) evidence all highlight themes that have implications for Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) services. This… Continue reading

Social Workers, beware – no jargon, use plain language

Social worker - beware no jargon

One of the great qualities that a social care worker should possess is the ability to communicate clearly. This skill also needs to be transferrable in any written work that the social care worker produces. The need for clear oral and written communication was recently highlighted in a reported care case {Derbyshire County Council v SH [2015] EWFC B102}. In this case the Judge was highly critical of the social workers and named them personally in the judgement. Continue reading

National Social Work Template: Are your social workers ready to use the new social work template?

Social worker

Summary This briefing will give an outline of the new national social work template which is to implemented on a national basis for all local authorities within the next 6 months. Each local authority can choose it’s own timetable in the transition from their local template to use of the… Continue reading