Corporate parent v birth parent, who makes the final decision?

Can a chlid who is looked after, receive the Covid vaccination without parental consent? An important question that was considered in the case of C(Looked After Child) (Covide-19 Vaccination) [2021] EWHC 2993 (Fam) Summary of the case: The case relates to a child known as C, who is 13 years… Continue reading

Children in the Youth Justice System and Racial Inequality

“Now is the time to stop talking and take action.” David Lammy MP A trusted justice system is one that is fair, transparent, and accessible. To have confidence in the justice system, the law must be equally applied to all and there must also be respect for the rule of… Continue reading

Part 3: Impact of Domestic Abuse Act 2021 for those working with vulnerable adults:

Stay up to date with the law series. This is part 3 of the 3-part law series on the Domestic Abuse Act. You can remind yourselves of part 1 and part 2 by clicking the links. Prior to the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, vulnerable adults… Continue reading

Part 2: Impact of Domestic Abuse Act 2021 for those working with Children and Families:

This is part 2 of the 3-part law series on the Domestic Abuse Act. You can remind yourselves of part 1 by clicking here as this is a follow up of part 1. This legal blog post is for those who specifically work with children and families. Local authorities… Continue reading

Are you up to date with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021?

Do you want to be up to date with legislation bur worried that this may be boring boring? We can help you as our mission at Kingsley Knight Training is to make the law easy to understand so that as social care professionals you are able to support children, families… Continue reading

New Publication: The Child’s Legal Journey Through Care

To purchase contact us by email: This comprehensive guide demystifies the law and illustrates the practical application of the law relating to children’s rights, children’s possible routes through care, the legal stages of the private and public law Children Act proceedings and the impact on the child’s legal journey.… Continue reading

Remote Court Hearings – part 2-what should I do?

Remote Hearings-the important part: what should I do Remote Hearings During the Covid-19 pandemic, all effective hearings were held remotely by telephone or video conferencing with the court’s permission. No formal application for a remote hearing was required.  Since the ending of the lock down conditions set during the pandemic,… Continue reading

Remote Court Hearings During COVID 19 Pandemic- part 1

These are unprecedented times, there has been a need for all of us  to adapt to the changing landscape we find ourselves in. This has been equally applicable to the Family Court and the Court of Protection, both changing to accommodate remote hearings relating to children and vulnerable adults. The… Continue reading

Judge criticises social worker for poor case records

A recent case highlights the importance of social work case records, in which the Judge advised the local authority to undertake training in gathering, preserving and disclosing evidence. Don’t be left vulnerable to the consequences of poor evidence, read the tips provided by Kingsley Knight on the importance of contemporaneous… Continue reading