Legal Case Law Update on the importance of complying with the statutory court timescales.

The case of London Borough of Enfield v E (Unconscionable Delay) [2024] is a strong reminder, that the prompt determination of care and supervision order proceedings is beneficial for the children who are subject of the proceedings but equally is a requirement of the law This was clearly noted by… Continue reading

Transparency in the Family Court part 2

The aim of the pilot is to introduce a presumption that legal bloggers and accredited media may report on what they see and hear during family court cases, subject to strict rules of anonymity. “Openness and confidentiality are not irreconcilable, and each is achievable. The aim is to enhance public… Continue reading

Part 2: Special Guardian Order Support Plans-cases before the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) emphasise the importance of getting the right support plan

You can read the related Part 1 on SGO support plans by clicking here part-1-special-guardian-order In part 1 a number of cases before the LGO highlighted the need to provide the right support and guidance to carers and children subject to Special Guardianship Orders (SGO). The LGO in it’s report,… Continue reading

Somerset Judgement

The President of the Family Division rules on the validity of existing placement and adoption orders, despite failure with adoption regulations. The need for the President’s clarification starts with Re N (Children) [2021] EWCA Civ 785- 21 May 2021 The mother of M (6 years) and T (13 years),… Continue reading

Covid – 19 Vaccinations for an adult who lacks capacity and who has already suffered vaccine damage.

Last month we discussed a case that considered whether a child should receive the Covid- 19 vaccination or not if the parent does not consent. This case relates to an adult. There are a number of reported judgements from 2021 that cover this issue, however the case of North Yorkshire… Continue reading

Keeping Families Together

Supporting families after care proceedings: Supervision Orders and beyond This is the title of the study published by the Department of Education (DFE), published by Professor Judith Harwin and Lancaster University. The study Provides for the first time the views and experiences of parents who have raised their families… Continue reading

SGOs: free training to secure better outcomes in court

The use of special guardianship orders (SGOs) have grown rapidly in recent years. However, the amount of time allowed to carry out thorough and robust assessments is often limited, particularly when the matter is already in court. At times, this has led to very tragic circumstances such as the death… Continue reading

Free court skills training for time-poor social workers

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reported* an increase in children and adult law applications during 2016. This is likely to be placing even more pressure on social workers because, in addition to more court attendances, you also have greater legal responsibilities in preparation of court documents with shorter timescales. I… Continue reading