Covid – 19 Vaccinations for an adult who lacks capacity and who has already suffered vaccine damage.

Last month we discussed a case that considered whether a child should receive the Covid- 19 vaccination or not if the parent does not consent. This case relates to an adult. There are a number of reported judgements from 2021 that cover this issue, however the case of North Yorkshire… Continue reading

Keeping Families Together

Supporting families after care proceedings: Supervision Orders and beyond This is the title of the study published by the Department of Education (DFE), published by Professor Judith Harwin and Lancaster University. The study Provides for the first time the views and experiences of parents who have raised their families… Continue reading

Family Court Backlogs are like dough proofing on a Baker’s shelf.

The President of the family division has raised concerns in relation to the current backlog and delays in the Family Court in his latest view:  Make Every Hearing Count – Case Management Guidance in Public Law Children Cases: March 2022. It is recognised by all professionals working within the Family… Continue reading

Corporate parent v birth parent, who makes the final decision?

Can a chlid who is looked after, receive the Covid vaccination without parental consent? An important question that was considered in the case of C(Looked After Child) (Covide-19 Vaccination) [2021] EWHC 2993 (Fam) Summary of the case: The case relates to a child known as C, who is 13 years… Continue reading

Legal briefing on the long awaited guidance on Special Guardianships


Positive changes for those involved in undertaking Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) or connected kinship assessments. This legal briefing outlines the changes introduced by the Interim Guidance issued by the Family Justice Council and the interim report of the public working group. Interim Guidance on SGOs In May 2019, The Family… Continue reading

Get ahead with the legal update on the Children and Social Work Act

Children Social Work Bill

Children and Social Work Act 2017 The government’s intention with this legislation was to overhaul social work. Read on to see what this means for frontline workers, vulnerable children and care leavers. There were mixed views as to whether this legislation once passed did result in the social work profession’s… Continue reading

Social Work Evidence Template Update

Local authority social workers preparing court statements, are you up to date? Today’s briefing gives an update on the national social work template. Practice areas affected Local Authority children’ social workers from the children’s safeguarding teams, children’s guardians and social workers from the fostering and adoption teams. Introduction The national… Continue reading

Update on Special Guardianship Orders – Strengthening the assessment process

Special Guardianship Orders

Essential and necessary information for all Local Authorities. Special Guardianship Orders were created under the Adoption and Children Act 2002, which introduced this as a new performance option for children which came into effect from December 2005. A special guardianship order (SGO) gives parental responsibility for a child to a… Continue reading

National Social Work Template: Are your social workers ready to use the new social work template?

Social worker

Summary This briefing will give an outline of the new national social work template which is to implemented on a national basis for all local authorities within the next 6 months. Each local authority can choose it’s own timetable in the transition from their local template to use of the… Continue reading

Challenges for Local Authorities following the impact of Re B (A child) and Re B – S (Children) to public children and adoption cases.

Local Authorities & Adoption

Summary This briefing will examine the two appeal cases which are considered to have far-reaching implications on cases on permanence option available for a child who is subject to care or adoption proceedings. The impact of these cases has arguably required a complete rethink of the way in which evidence… Continue reading