About Us

Who are Kingsley Knight Training?
Kingsley Knight is a leader in providing specialist legal training. We deliver the most up to date training efficiently and effectively to ensure your teams are empowered with the knowledge they need, ensuring positive outcomes and best value.We have a team of trainers who are leaders in their fields, qualified practitioners with practical skills, years of experience and knowledge. The lawyers delivering the training in the field of children social care are accredited by the Law Society as Children Panel Solicitors.
With over 20 years experience in providing social care training to all professions. We can educate, advise and support your teams with our range of training packages that can be tailored to meet your specific training needs.
Shefali Shah
Shefali Shah, the director and lead trainer at Kingsley Knight.
Shefali Shah is a practising solicitor with over 21 years’ experience in children law, (17 years as a Local Authority solicitor), an accredited member of the Law Society’s Children Panel. She is legal adviser to an adoption charity, former legal advisor to the Independent Review Mechanism for England and Adoption U.K. Shefali also teaches children law academically at a number of institution.
Contact us for a no obligation talk about your training needs.